Academics at Ascension Christian Elementary/Middle School (ACEM) 


Literacy is a major thrust throughout the grades and courses. Literacy includes fluency and writing, logical thinking and problem solving, reading informational texts, and citing evidence from the text to support responses. Mathematics targets numbers and operations, algebra, geometry, measurement, and statistics and probability.

K-4-5th grades use Harcourt as the basal curriculum. ABeka is the Bible curriculum throughout the grades. ABeka supplements the basal curriculum in 1st grade for phonics and handwriting, and 2nd grade handwriting.

Grades 6 uses Holt math; Prentice Hall literature, ABeka Bible; Harcourt History and Science. The Prentice Hall literature integrates grammar, composition, reading, and spelling. Honors courses are offered but not in all grades.

Stanford Achievement Test is given in grades 3 & 5. Quarterly cumulative testing is done throughout the grades to confirm the children steadily master the required concepts and skills.

Parents must have access to a computer and the Internet. Grades and progress reports are sent to parents quarterly via electronic mail through RenWeb, the school’s student management system. Teacher lesson plans, homework, and grades are posted weekly on RenWeb and are available to parents through Parent Web.

All students attend PE daily. All students receive instruction in art, computers, and library. All children attend church every other week. It is led by the children’s pastor from the Household of Faith Church.

Children in all grades who enter ACS are screened for placement. Children also take an end-of-year assessment that is used for placement the following year.